

 👋 Meet the team: today we introduce you to Alexander! 

Alex works for us as a full stack developer. He contributes his extensive knowledge both in the backend and frontend and plays a key role in the...
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 🤖 What we can expect when the new AI law comes into force 💻

Since August 1, 2024, the EU AI Act has been in force, which is considered the world's first law to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) based on the...
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✨ Digital transformation of the restaurant and catering industry 👩‍🍳 

The digital transformation is increasingly affecting the restaurant and food service industry by revolutionizing the way food service operators and restaurant chains work through artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies....
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📢 The seventh annual AI Startup Landscape is here and we're in it!

The seventh annual AI Startup Landscape (2024) by the appliedAI Institute for Europe provides a comprehensive analysis of the German AI startup scene. This publication, considered the most important of its kind,...
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📣 We are at the Handelsblatt Media Group summer camp! 🌞

On 29.08. it will be exciting in Munich! At 11:35 a.m., we cordially invite you to a captivating INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION: "Together for success: The power...
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How do you keep control of important processes such as procurement, production and food costs in your store operation?

A top manager cannot be everywhere at the same time. Even if a well-functioning operation is a guarantee of success for existing locations, this does not automatically mean that the...
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