Germany's best-known bakery relies on artificial intelligence from foodforecast

April 14, 2023

We have great news again: our customer base continues to grow! With the bakery Kamps we welcome an important customer and big player in the bakery industry.  

From now on we provide our forecasts for the most famous bakery in Germany! With 5. million customer contacts per month and 360 locations in Germany, the Kamps bakery is a strong partner. 

Foodforecast will initially automate the orders of some stores and optimize the order planning of retail outlets. For the Kamps bakery franchise partners, this means 100% order automation, new sales potential and avoiding food waste.

Especially the balance of traditional craftsmanship and modern processes is very important for the Kamps bakery. We are pleased that we can support this and at the same time continue to pursue our goal of preventing food waste in bakeries!

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