New article about us in the hospitality industry magazine

April 18, 2024

The latest article in Gastgewerbe Magazin looks at how our AI solutions have won over the staff at beets & roots and how AI supports system catering 🥙👇  

Chain restaurants face challenges such as a shortage of skilled workers, high staff turnover and decisions under time pressure, which often lead to a loss of sales.

🤖 How can artificial intelligence help with this?
Our AI solutions automatically link historical order and sales data with external factors such as public holidays, the weather and even expected passengers at train stations to create a valid data set. 💪 This enables us to provide accurate sales forecasts and automate orders 100%. 

What are the results for restaurateurs?
📊 Increased availability of goods
🔀 Reduction in overproduction
🥗 Improved freshness and availability of food
📈 Increased sales
⏰ Reduced workload for employees

Artificial intelligence makes production more efficient, avoids re-production and can optimize product ranges as well as goods procurement and personnel planning. So there are many good reasons to rely on AI! 

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