Are special days recognized that do not take place regularly?

Yes, special days can generally be recognized, saved and stored - but with certain restrictions, depending on the regularity and regional reference of the events. There are two different types of special days, which are handled differently:

1. regular special days (such as carnival, start/end of school vacations):
The AI can automatically recognize recurring special days that take place at regular intervals and often across regions. These include, for example, carnival days, the start and end of school vacations or other firmly established events that always take place at the same time or under comparable conditions. This information can be automatically processed and stored by the AI and used for future analysis or planning. By recognizing these patterns, the AI can reliably predict the influence of such days on various activities.

2. irregular, regional events (such as trade fairs, city festivals):
However, when it comes to special days that are exclusively regional and also take place irregularly, such as local trade fairs, city festivals or events, it becomes more complex. Such events usually do not fall into known patterns that the AI could recognize automatically. As they do not occur regularly or on a supra-regional scale, they are difficult for an AI to identify automatically. Examples of this could be a state garden show that takes place every few years or a regional street festival that is organized at varying intervals.

How can these irregular special days still be taken into account?
In order to take such irregular special days into account in the planning or analysis, it is possible to store them manually. This manually saved data can then be used for specific evaluations and reactivated if necessary when the event takes place again. Companies or organizations that are influenced by such events can thus ensure that these special days are not overlooked.

Regular special days are therefore automatically recognized and saved by the AI. In the case of irregular, regional special days, manual recording is necessary in order to reliably take these into account for planning or evaluation. This combination of automatic recognition and manual storage enables flexible adaptation to a wide variety of special days.

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