When will I receive the forecast?

This can be answered individually according to your needs, as we flexibly orientate ourselves to your requirements when providing the forecasts. As a rule, however, forecasts are provided as standard for a period of up to 14 days in advance. The forecasts are updated daily to ensure that they are always based on the latest information and are therefore highly accurate. This means that seasonal fluctuations, current trends or short-term changes in demand can be optimally taken into account.

Flexibility in the provision of forecasts
The exact provision of forecasts is adapted to your order intervals. For example, if you always order on Mondays for a delivery on Wednesday, the corresponding forecasts are provided in such a way that they are available to you in good time. In this case, the forecast for Wednesday would be updated and provided during the night from Sunday to Monday. This way, you have all the relevant information on Monday morning to prepare the order.

Daily updates for maximum precision
Updating the forecasts daily ensures that the data is up to date. This is important as factors such as changing weather conditions can play a significant role in determining demand. The daily adjustment of the forecasts enables you to react flexibly and quickly to changes and adjust your order quantities accordingly.

Adaptation to your individual requirements
In addition to the standard procedure, we offer you the option of customizing the provision intervals and the scope of the forecasts to your individual business processes. For example, we can set up longer forecasting periods or special intervals if this is advantageous for your company.

Overall, our service aims to provide you with the forecasts exactly when you need them to ensure optimal order planning and product availability. The flexibility in the provision and regular updates of the forecasts guarantee that you always have access to the latest data and can therefore plan your orders precisely and efficiently.

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